John Farrelly, cover artist and writer/artist of Beans & Tucker. John's latest book, "Deadly irish History: The Vikings" is available from Amazon and features the same fantastic art and humour you'll have seen in Beans and Tucker.
John also contribued to an early issue of Sector 13 with a stunning Flesh story. Good Dinosaur Art.
You can full details of his other comics work, including, incredible bespoke caricatures, at his web page
John tells me he is hard at work on another book in the "Deadly Irish History" series and a black and white collection of the complete Beans and Tucker saga, I can't wait.
Marc Jackson, original cover to Splank! back in 2018 and Hot Dog and Mustard. Cartoonist, teacher and orginiser of cons. Marc's distinctive style has been seen in Beano, 77 and Comic Scene. His own comics are beautifully produced, funny and different from anything you've seen before.
His 'aged' cover for the original Splank! was a work of genius capturing exactly the style wanted. You can buy his comics at his Etsy Shop and get more information on his activities at his Marc Makes Comics Facebook page.
Andrew Pawley: Cthulhu Kids. A writer, artist and designer. Andrew was artist on Cthulhu Kids for two issues and the driving force behind the excellent, Cosmic Catastrophe card game.
His own Galaxafreaks comics was one of the highlights of the UK small-press scene and the reason we were so determined he would be part of Splank! Andrew is now mastering 3D printing technology to model and is producing marvelous models and self-printing files through his Dice Heads patreon page.
Cat Byrne, The Life of Ethyl Death. Cat's art is all over my desk and walls. Her wooden block prints are a delight and her work on commissions are stunning. She also has her own comic, Mizzle and produced a stand-out story for Sector 13 that was funny, smart and charming.
She is currently offering free colouring pages on her web-site for anyone with kids that need something to grab their attention.
2000 AD fans will be delighted with her depiction of Dredd and the Strontium Dogs on recent prints. You owe youself a look at her web-page,
Steve Tanner and Ed Machiavello, Clockwork Cavalier. Steve is the man behind Time Bomb Comics, publishers of Flintlock, Bomb Scares and the superb Brawler anthology. More details at his web-page and online shop.
Flintlock is a particular favourite of mine, being an anthology of stories set in the 18th century. Highly recommended.
Dave Windett. Swashbuckling Sid the Daredevil Squid, Spookytown, Witch and Wizard. Dave is a professional artist and illustrator. His work has appeared in comics including Beano and The Dandy and his Lazarus Lemming was a highlight of the lamented DFC.
You can find his work on Comixology and Amazon and in good bookshops everywhere. Or you can follow this link to his web-site which gives handy access to everything. Watch out for Kasi Bell, and the Lazarus Lemming collection. And contact him to ask about commissions.
Colin Mathieson. Huzzah, Cornelius Macbeth, Boom from the Room. Colin is part of the Accent UK team and is responsible for the Moments of Adventure series of historical fantasy stories.
You'll find Pirates, Highwaymen, Ghost Girls and more of Cornelius Macbeth. His blog makes great reading and he has an etsy shop where copies of Moments of Adventure can be found.
Accent UK produce some fascinating comics, watch out for Westernoir and Stephenson's Robot!.
Steve MacManus. D-Day Dodgers. Editor of 2000AD in the glory days, Steve guided the comic when its found it's unique voice and later, as Managing editor of the 2000AD group, was responsible for some of the high-water marks of brtish comics in terms of quality.
His contribution to Splank! goes back to his days as a sub-editor on the war comic, Battle and was one of my favourite projects to work on.
His books, 'The Mighty One' an account of his time in the comics industry and 'The Sheerglam Conspiracy' a novel which has the ring of truth about it, are available from Amazon. But a quick e-mail to Steve might just get you a signed copy.
Nigel Parkinson & Nika: Dresden Q. Otherside, Splank! and the lost comics of antiquity.
Nigel is the current Dennis the Menace artist for Beano, he's a gentleman and incredibly generous with his time. Nika is his very talented colourist and in normal times spend most weekends at conventions across the country where they delight kids of all ages.
The care that both Nigel and Nika took to match style and colour palatte for their Dresden Q. Otherside strip for the original Splank! with the comics initial inspiration, the Odhams Power comics delighted it's editor. His blog can be found here, which sadly is mostly used to record Con cancellations at the moment.
John Robbins: Dental, Mouse and Winter Boots. John, from Dublin, has been producing sensitive, intelligent and thoughtful comics for years. He has collected some of these into a series of YouTube videos with added narration to produce something a little bit special. be warned, these comics are not for kids, but they are very beautiful and come highly recommended by us here at Splank!
Go to Black Shape Books to purchase 'Unlucky, Unlikely'.
Gary Whitlock: Filthbeard the Pirate, Balloon Edd. Gary is a professional cartoonist with a distinctive 'grotesque' style that fills the shoes of the late great Ken reid for Splank! He's worked on The Beano, Weekly News, Zit, Acne & Gas and has recenly been appearing in the excellent online comic Aces Weekly. He works with Monkeyhound publishing his own titles and producing short animation. His books are available through amazon, but under the nom-de-plume Clan Whitlock.
Go to his Monkeyhound Productions site here.
Philip Lee: Bizarre Facts. Originally from Ireland, Philip now lives in the SF bay area. He posts his comics and artwork on Instagram as 'Philothewisp' and publishes comics, books and tee-shirts via His work,especially the Baguette Robot Series, seems to be influenced by titles like, "Tales from the Beanworld", which can't be a bad thing. The Bizarre Facts pages were a perfect fit for Splank! and my only problem with placing them was which ones I wouldn't use.
Link to his Instagram page here. here.
John Freeman: Crucible, encouragement and help. Over the past 25 years, John has been a writer, editor, creative consulatant and PR advisor for various comic-based projects. He has edited Doctor Who Monthly, Strip magazine and the output of Rok Comics.
He was creative consultant on the excellent Dan Dare Audio Adventures, ensuring that the production kept close to the spirit of the original comics. His,, website is the definitive source for information and promotion of the British comics industry. every creator should be aware, and thankful for the resource it supplies to the industry.
Crucible first appeared in the short lived Strip magazine, in 2010. It has subsequently been made available via comixology or for the kindle. Splank! were delighted to be able to feature the first, episode, for which we thank John.